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  1. #16
    Very good NBA starter tmacattack33's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Playoff Rondo so good in the playoffs?

    Quote Originally Posted by keep-itreal
    how does he do it? This guy can't shoot yet he's has so much impact as a guard
    The better question would be why he tones it down in the regular season.

    And the answer is probably because he is smart and realizes the regular season don't mean sh* he might as well just keep himself healthy and preserve himself for the playoffs.

  2. #17
    Decent college freshman
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    Default Re: Why is Playoff Rondo so good in the playoffs?

    He's been this good all season, on fewer minutes. And several other seasons. But since he doesn't score, no one pays attention til the playoffs.

  3. #18
    Youngest MVP PeroAntic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Playoff Rondo so good in the playoffs?

    Rondo is a lock for HOF. Hes always been amazing, only fools thought hes washed up

  4. #19
    Dunking on everybody in the park
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    Default Re: Why is Playoff Rondo so good in the playoffs?

    Quote Originally Posted by tanibanana
    Just like any serious competition in any sport... The dog in the athlete helps a lot. And playoff Rondo has a wild rabid dog in him..
    yup....I am not a huge fan of rondo, but he does go rabid mode in the playoffs....but does jack in the regular season.....

  5. #20
    Dunking on everybody in the park
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    Default Re: Why is Playoff Rondo so good in the playoffs?

    Things about Rondo, he would be pretty crap on a bad team, he wouldn't be able to go on rubbish team and lead them. He's like a multiplier effect on his team. On bad teams, x times 0 is 0, but on a good team especially with a player like AD that can protect the rim (ala KG) and score buckets, he's perfect for it, along with a guard that doesn't really like to play point in Jrue. (who's a stud by the way, always liked his two way game)

  6. #21
    Consensus, Cemented Vino24's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Playoff Rondo so good in the playoffs?

    This team became a team when Cousins went down. Without that they would have been swept in the first round

  7. #22
    Curry: 0x Finals MVP SilkkTheShocker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Playoff Rondo so good in the playoffs?

    Quote Originally Posted by SwayDizzle
    the real reason Cs won in 08
    You mean PJ Brown?

  8. #23
    Free the banned users. stalkerforlife's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Playoff Rondo so good in the playoffs?

    Game slows down.

    Teams stupidly back off 5+ feet and give him a clear view of the court.

  9. #24
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer tpols's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Playoff Rondo so good in the playoffs?

    Because the playoffs are mostly a halfcourt battle and rondo is great at slowing it down and controlling the game. He has a knack for setting guys up in THEIR comfort zones, throwing laterals to mirotic for deep 3s when hes open, hitting Anthony Davis when he has a sliver of an opening...hes a great orchestrator and competitor.

  10. #25
    The ISH'ers Champion!
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    Default Re: Why is Playoff Rondo so good in the playoffs?

    I remember what happened to him in the 2012 ECF. NEVER FORGET that REF JOB.

    Always respected Rondo's game. Got good tutelage from Pierce and KG.

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