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  1. #61
    Please clap. Real Men Wear Green's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump is F#cked! $83.3 Million Times!

    Quote Originally Posted by rmt View Post
    This seems like a DELIBERATE writing of a law (for a limited period of time) and co-ordination with Carroll for the sole purpose of "getting Trump." If it is so great, why the limited time? If not for Trump, why at this particular time compared to the entire time statute of limitations has applied to crimes.

    What does being a billionaire have to do with this?

    Maybe you have no problem with/celebrate some of Hunter Biden's charges running out of statute of limitations but imagine some state writing a law disregarding tax statute of limitation for a limited period of time JUST TO RECAPTURE Hunter's charges. Do you not see the weaponization of the justice system?
    Trump's Right to Rape has been violated. I stand with you brother.

  2. #62
    Burning Spirit! BurningHammer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump is F#cked! $83.3 Million Times!

    $354.9M more for pretending to be richer than he actually is so he can lend more money.

  3. #63
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: Trump is F#cked! $83.3 Million Times!

    Quote Originally Posted by jstern View Post
    She claimed that Les Moonves, the most powerful man in media was so hot for her that he raped her after seeing her in the elevator.

    The same judge dismissed the case of Prince Andrew, repeatedly raping a 17 year old, without it going to trial, but gave this woman who thinks rape is sexy, claiming that Trump raped his at a store, 83.3 million dollars.

    The people who celebrate this due to DTS, (I won't name names) are just as disgusting.

    The instinct to diminish claims you don't like is strong, but just stop outright lying about what is said. You're like the ****in MSM you people hate so much. You actually fooled me. I thought she made a personal statement of her opinion of rape.

    But she made a general statement on other people's ideas of rape. And she is mostly right, at least from the female perspective. They love rape fantasies. Men love *****. So a lot of consensual rape happens in a lot of bedrooms.

    I was originally really skeptical of her rape claims just logistically. How and why the **** would she be in a dressing room with him. How does it get there?

    But the way she explains it, I can buy it. She was being a giggly flirty girl Trump figured he could just **** her on the spot, literally. He could've got her after maybe one stupid dinner at a restaurant he's well known by the staff and oner and is a big shot at, and immediately leave to bang the broads brains out that night.

    The scenario adds up. Not all rape scenarios do. Like Mike Tyson's or Kobe's. Complete retarded scenarios where these bitches end up in a hotel room with them apparently not wanting to ****...

    I could see Trump being this much of an animal. Grabbing a strange bitch by the ***** is the foreplay to raping/****ing her in a dressing room the same day.

    I'll say this - I'm sure Trump has ****ed women on the spot consensually. Rock star shit. But I don't know exactly what happened here. I don't know if he misread signals or just didn't give a ****. I wonder if she verbally told him not to stick his dick in her. Women are strange with shit like this. They like rape fantasies, and consensual rape, but don't like....rape.... Trump stuck his dick in a big retarded feminine gray area. Maybe literally considering she was 50 apparently.

    But like I said the scenario is laid out there. Whether or not you believe Trump did it is up to your judgement. Trump is an impulsive boob who is outwardly horny for his ****ing daughter and won't even hide it on live TV so I lean toward rape. Rapeity rape rape.

    Side note - WTF does Trump say happened or didn't happen? Does he cop to even being there? Does he say he ****ed her and she's a goofy bitch wanting money?

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