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  1. #16
    The Truth Is Out There Media Moderator's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do so many Americans support a neofascist?

    Quote Originally Posted by fsvr54 View Post
    99.9% of the people that used the word "fascism" have no clue what it means. I've never seen anything like this. Language doesn't matter anymore.
    Liberals have changed the definition to suit their needs over the years just like they did the definition of gender. Up until 30 years ago the definition of fascist was the below. They have since thrown in "far right" into the mix

    often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

    Who puts country over the individual? Republicans or Democrats?
    Who stands for a strong autocratic government? Republicans or Democrats?
    Who wants severe economic and social regimentation? Democrats or Republicans?
    Who wants forcible suppression of opposition? Democrats or Republicans?
    The answer to all these is obviously leaning more towards Democrats

    The only thing that the definition dovetails with the Republicans more than Democrats is the dictatorial leader only because Republicans approve of Trump much more than Democrats like Biden.

  2. #17
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Jasper's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do so many Americans support a neofascist?

    dictatorial leader

    that in a nut shell

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